Where to insulate in your home for maximum efficiency

A fully insulated home is the most cost effective way to improve the comfort and energy efficiency of your home and save money on heating and cooling costs. The best time to insulate is at the time of construction.

Where to put insulation in your home

There are several locations where insulation is recommended to be installed in new homes including:

  • External walls
  • Internal walls, including between the house and any attached buildings such as a garage
  • Between storeys in a double storey home
  • Under the floor of the house in homes built from the ground
  • Around plumbing pipes

It is important to note that it is possible to insulate existing homes in the:

  • Ceiling of the house
  • Under the floor of the house when built suspended from the ground and the area is accessible
  • Around plumbing pipes

In some homes where ceiling insulation is already installed, topping up the insulation with a higher R-value may improve the efficiency of the heat loss or gain through the ceiling space.

When you are renovating is another opportunity where you may want to consider insulating the home. If the internal walls are being moved or replaced, remember to add Acoustic Gold insulation in the wall cavity before replacing the plasterboard. Acoustic Gold will help reduce the noise transfer between rooms as well as provide thermal benefits. If new external walls are being built, use this opportunity to add or upgrade the wall insulation. Wall insulation is the hardest insulation to add once the home is built so taking advantage during a renovation is ideal.

Bradford also makes reflective foil insulation for roofs and walls. See our wall wraps and roof underlay ranges for more information.

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Heating typically accounts for around 30% of a typical home's energy use. Bradford's systems can help improve your energy efficiency. More >
